Monday, April 27, 2009

Love and the Economy

It is all too common to reference the state of the economy in relation to jobs found and jobs lost, but what about in relation to lovers lost and found?

It's no secret that money problems are often cited as the most common cause of failed marriages. The recent financial crisis has also seemingly had polar effects one way or another, either by forcing the couple to continue living under the same roof or by accelerating the split of a not-very-happy marriage. But my real question (well, mainly of concern) is this financial meltdown affecting younger unmarried couples? In other words, how is it affecting my own and (the majority of) my friends' relationships with their significant others?

Perhaps coming back home to Taipei was inevitable but I can't help but think that if the economy were in a better state, and jobs were easier to come by, then I would still be living in NYC working a somewhat respectable job. Or I would maybe have had fewer applicants to beat out for Columbia b-school. So yes, this economy has definitely had a resounding impact on my career prospects (obvi!) but maybe less obvious is the fact that leaving NYC meant leaving someone special that I deeply cared for. Oh, and of course, all my fabulous friends in NYC =)

Similarly, the more-than-abysmal job market in Hong Kong is also keeping apart two very distant lovers..


  1. i've been thinking about this and i think it would make a GREAT story on NPR's Planet Money - all about how the current crisis and how its affecting people's real lives.
