Monday, April 13, 2009

To b-school or not to b-school?

The eternal question of 20-something-year olds around the globe. And currently, a big lurking problem in this Wang's life. There's plenty of dialogue out there as to each viewpoint on this topic...but my favorite comes from the Brazen Careerist who casts pithy well-written doubts on why b-school may not be the most efficient choice for current 20-something-year-olds.

And this is sentiment then leads to follow-up discussion on the difficulties in sorting this all out via a timeline. (with the deadline at the big 3-0)


  1. what happens at 30??
    do we all dry up and suddenly develop an addiction to day time dramas? dammit, no one told me.

  2. hahaha good point. it was so nice seeing you today!! :D :D :D thanks for taking care of my sad pieces.
